Once the supremacy of large organizations, today business intelligence is equally vital for small and mid-sized enterprises
In the information age, terms like business intelligence (BI) and big data have become commonplace. Once the supremacy of large organizations, today BI is equally vital for small and mid-sized enterprises. The amount of data available with every business today is growing at an unparalleled rate. But, do organizations have what it takes to convert that data into actionable insight?
To make important business decisions in real-time, finding the most suitable BI solution is imperative. There are a number of factors that need to be taken into consideration while zeroing down on a BI solution. Some of these could be:
A centralized BI system will empower the employees and management alike, providing a single view of the most critical business data to enable quick decision-making and scaling efficiencies.
Microsoft’s Cloud-based service Power BI is one such solution which is being used by more than 5 million subscribers across the world. Power BI’s suite of analytics tools comes with pre-built dashboards that provide users a 360-degree view of the most decisive parameters of the business.
Power BI allows users to collate data from hundreds of data sources, including Excel, Google Analytics, MS Dynamics, Oracle, Salesforce, CSV, Adobe Analytics, Text and much more. This unification of data, be it on Cloud or on-premise, makes sharing insights across departments much more easy and convenient. With automatic data refresh, everybody always has access to the latest information. This information can swiftly be converted into custom reports using more than 20 built-in visualization options, such as, area charts, bar and column charts, basic and ArcGIS maps, tables, tree maps, et al.
What makes the product even more appealing is the price tag that puts Power BI within the means of small and medium-sized organization. Also, Microsoft updates the product every month, introducing new features and compatibilities. What more do you need?